good morning

Summer's here, and with that comes the art of the "slow morning". I think I've got it perfected. This morning I made a batch of my sister in laws amazingly flavorful granola. I think I can sum it up in just a few words: salty, sweet, cinnamon, coconut.

Being a homeschool mom, we're no strangers to wearing our pj's past 10 am, but the art of summer time slow mornings has no agenda. No math problems need to be worked through, although we're playing games which just happen to require math fact use. No history books that need to be discussed, although we read plenty of amazing books.

I love this break between school sessions. I love unwinding, relaxing, preparing for new ways of organizing my time, implementing new strategies with behavior, chores, etc. Spending plenty of time with friends, roaming around in the fresh air, and most of all, enjoying the art of the "slow morning".