camera challenge{d}: the queen bee market

Last week was the Queen Bee Market in downtown San Diego.
I was certainly looking forward to going with my new camera!
But as soon as I got there I realized what my challenge would be.
Bad, inside lighting.
I tried some photos with my flash, but was not happy with the results,
so instead, I cranked up my ISO, and did a lot of light editing later.

Gioia's sweet face from Pillow Factory.

Emily Sparks beautiful crocheted pieces.

I love these bow ties from Bebecha Gifts!

Lollipops cute display.

Creme de la Gems.

Beautiful vintage hair pins.

Funky Vintage Lovely and her lovely rings.

Funky Vintage Lovely painted frames.

Allora Handmade sweet bud earrings.

Stacy Lynn's recycled leather bag.

Spiffing Jewelry sparkly color.

Button butterfly from smitten.

A corner of Blue Corduroy.

**if anyone can help remind me where the vintage hair pins came from
i would appreciate it**