Ralph Waldo Emerson
I like this one because when you start the new year off with a cold (like me), you have to believe that you have more than one chance to start off right.
via pinterest via sarah london textiles
And then there's my favorite for many different circumstances:
"baby steps"...{into the new year}
Bill Murray from "What about Bob"
via pinterest via dottie angel
I am excited for the new year, yes! But I am also planning on taking it one day at a time, with the best intentions on finishing strong. Sort of like when I am crocheting a granny square quilt. Oh sure, it's so fun and exciting to pick the colors and do a few squares, but when it comes to tying in all those loose ends, and you start to wonder if you really want the blanket after all. Then it's all about "baby steps" to finishing the blanket. And how happy you are when the blanket is done!
So maybe I'll call this year the "granny square baby steps year".